This comparison has been beaten to death by virtually every hack that ever learned how to turn on a computer. But I can't seem to let it go.
The arguments in favor of proprietary operating systems and software are almost understandable for the computer illiterate. But I am mystified by seasoned professionals who argue that Microsoft is superior.
It is clear from a cursory glance at statistics that free software powers the internet by factors of >10. And this is for good reason - and at the root of my reason for writing this article. Linux just runs like a TANK. And virtually the only things that will stop it are the admin, a total power outage, or the Apocalypse!
Windows, on the other hand, is not only susceptible to any cold or flu bug that walks down the street five blocks away, and is the biggest target out there for anyone from a script kiddie to corporate espionage to international warfare, it is also its own worst enemy... and yours.
Nothing annoys me much more than when I need to do something on one of my machines and Windows tells me, "No. I need to update my software which ALWAYS requires a restart and you'll just have to wait until I'm done." Imagine that. Some bot from Silicon Valley takes over my machine and says I have to wait in line to use my property!
Linux has no horse pucky like this. Yes, it will tell you, the admin, that you need to update your system asap. But it will never commandeer your machine and tell you to wait in line! And updates very seldom require a reboot, and when they do you have the choice of when you will reboot. No waiting in line to use your own property.
Frankly, the only reason I keep Windows machines around are to use as benchmarks and comparisons for when I have to work on and repair other people's Windows machines when they are broken... and I get a lot of that. In fact, when I send a Linux machine out it never comes back. MacroCrap are in and out so much that my doors are my cooling system fans.
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